Tuesday, May 22, 2007


1. Batteries in most new cars are only about 50% good*, often less. The reason is self-discharge of standard lead-acid batteries and the long time it takes from manufacture to the Customer. Once discharged and kept discharged for a period of time the bateries do not accept full charge again;
* '50% good' means their capacity expressed in AH or RC is only 50%.
2. Replacement batteries are also only about 50% good, for the same reasons as above.
Invest in one of these tools, available from all auto shops, and see for yourself. it gives you a crude indication of the state of your battery; for more precise indication a controlled discharge test is needed.

Exceptions are lead-acid batteries that are kept dry and filled with acid & charged immediately prior to delivery/installation. Another exception are special batteries, for instance some of those with 'spiral' contructions; their cost, however, is usually several times the cost of the standard batteries.

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